Originally from Cornwall but now based in London, Daryl Waller studied to be an illustrator at Hereford College of Arts and Design before attending the Royal College of Art.

He won the Sheila Robinson Drawing Prize in 2003 and in 2005 his work was purchased by the Wellcome Collection.

In 2007, he contributed the artwork for the album Tuned to Love by the British band The Loose Salute and directed the video for the song The Mutineer, a song taken from the same album. He has also created the artwork for the album Goodnight Unknown by Lou Barlow and directed a promo for Sharing, the first song on the album.

Daryl has shown his work frequently in London and Cornwall and has also exhibited internationally at galleries like the West Germany Gallery in Berlin with artist David Sherry and the Tart Gallery in San Francisco.

© BLACK HOLE/the artist, 2014